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Santander Ref: 10088099

Ombudsman Ref: PNX-3939900-M9R6

Mr S M Purnell

Dear Sirs, this is just a webpage to basically present my evidence. During my interaction with Santander, I have offered said evidence but they have never wished to have. I feel it is proof that I was unfortunately targeted by a fraudster. Please find below my representation and request for the 2 amounts of £627.22 (£1254.44) to be addressed.

Back Story

Nov 2019 I used the 3 app on my phone to try and obtain a better contract. By clicking HERE an auto microsoft WORD download should action to view the letter I sent to 3 in June 2020 as a result of their neglect to deal with me properly of the months following Nov 2019. It is this letter that I believe was leaked by 3 to the fraudster.


On, I believe it was the 6th or 7th July 2020 I received a call from a man calling himself Kevin. He stated he was from 3 headquarters and that he had got my letter I sent to 3 in front of him. Several times he made correct references to the content of my letter. I fully believed he was as he stated, management from 3 Headquarters at Star House. Sadly my phone failed to record this call. Kevin asked me to provide him with other information regarding my issue. I did so.

On the evening of 8th July 2020 I received another call from Kevin. Please click HERE to activate your onboard media player to listen to the call (I warn you it is nearly 2hrs long but it is proof of; who Kevin said he was; where Kevin said he was and; the offer; the attempted payments that he said had failed form my accounts from around the 35 minute mark). In short Kevin accepted they (3) were at fault. He said he would sort everything and as, apparently, I needed a new contract he made me an incredible offer which required me to pay him £627.22 for new amazing contract, new S20 Ultra and Samsung smartwatch. I accepted and paid for the new phone/contract during this call. I initially used my business credit card which Kevin said failed. I then tried to use my business account card. Kevin again said it had failed. I then tried to use my personal card. 2 failed attempts and the last one, apparently, being successful.

I think it was the next morning a text from Santander alerted me to an amount of over £1000 had been attempted to be taken from the business credit card. The text asked me for a reply asking me if I wanted payment to go ahead. As I replied ‘no’ and the next text said I need to call Santander. I did so. On that call the Santander representative also confirmed that 2 amounts of £627.22 had been taken form my personal account.

On speaking to Santander their representative said that I will be able to have one of the amounts of £627.22 refunded as an (I believe it was classed as) ‘accidental duplicate payment.’ This amount was refunded in a timely fashion.

Shortly after the 15th it became very clear to me that I was not going to receive the new smartphone & smartwatch from Kevin (3). I engaged with Santander again and they said, as fraud had been committed, I would receive the other £627.22. This is the talk I had with their Fraud Representative, Mark. He stated, if I remember rightly, I would be receiving the money that Friday or over that weekend. Please click HERE to listen to said proof of that call and verbal contract of said action.

About a week later, after noticing the £627.22 had not gone into my account, I again called Santander to find out where my money was. I was appalled to find out that Santander had now reneged on what was stated by Mark the week prior. They now said that I have been a victim of a scam, not fraud??? The subsequent letter also stated I had been a victim of a scam but now from, the phone company, EE. This is the reason to why I initially engaged with The Ombudsman.

Recently I received a letter dated 25/11/2020 from Santander stating they were reversing the refunded ‘accidental duplicate payment’ and they had. On calling them I ended up talking to their representative, Kim. Kim told me that I shouldn’t have to do 2 separate cases to The Ombudsman as all that has happened should be under their reference of 10088099. I hope this is the case and, with taking the above into account, I would like the amount of £1254.44 to be addressed.

To Close

Thank you for taking the time to look at and review, the above. If there is any other information you require, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Note: The files I am asking you to refer to have been uploaded to my server. The links should activate your PC to open these files.